Figure out your OS system is crucial.
you can do that with terminal command uname -m
For the installation of AFNI, I followed the afni official documentation.
My laptop is a (64ARM) Apple Silicon (ARM-based) Mac, so i follow the guide for macOS 12+ Apple Silicon:
basically in my home directory, open a terminal:
curl -O [<>](<>)
curl -O [<>](<>)
curl -O [<>](<>)
this step is super quick
and then, run the first admin-level install script
zsh OS_notes.macos_12_ARM_a_admin_pt1.zsh
this step takes long, it will also install homebew for you. I actually have homebrew already, but i think it downloaded a updated version. now my setup is Homebrew 4.3.6
this step also takes 2 inputs of the Admin password
and then, a quick step