python3 -m venv ./
source bin/activate
cmd+K #clear terminal
mkdir FolderName
rm -r FolderName #remove directory and its content
touch FileName.type #create file
rm FileName.type. #remove file
Nowadays, Amazon Web Services (AWS) through the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) catch more attention with its easy access to the open neural data. Here I’ll briefly show my experience in that.
first I try to use aws to download data in my HPC personal folder, but find out it’s not installed there with:
module avail aws
If it’s installed on hpc clusters, then just do
module load aws
Since I don’t have it, I will need to install aws myself.
Note, these lines should be executed line by line seperately:
cd ~ #first go to my personal home
curl "[<>](<>)" -o ""
./aws/install --bin-dir ~/bin --install-dir ~/aws-cli --update
afterwards, add AWS CLI path to the ~/.bashrc, by nano ~/.bashrc
export PATH=~/bin:$PATH
and then reload the .bashrc by
source ~/.bashrc
the installation could be verified by